If what they do does not make you destitute, or in some way derail your life: if all they can do is take your money, then they cannot take a thing away from you that you do not give them: for all of what you truly possess, what is truly yours — your soul, your humanity — this is yours, and only yours, to keep or waste, by what you decide to be and do when you are wronged. This is the love of God, that He made it so that the material things are only as valuable as how much you have decided your treasure is to be these things; where your treasure is, there your heart shall be also, the good book says. When you decide that you will not be one iota less kind to someone else because of something evil done unto you, this is treasure indeed. Gold cannot buy such graces, and sometimes, we lose a little material to gain meaning we might never have received had we not so lost.
2:24am thursday, 15th february
Turn off your radio, and tv for a month.Get close to the source.If your brain is less subject to those influences, it will get back to its peaceful nature.
2:26am thursday, 15th february
I'm starting to talk like a real wizard, if I don't say so myself.
2:32am thursday, 15th february
Sometimes I think I've been subjected to such misery, just to prove a higher forces power.That would drive anyone mad.
2:34am thursday, 15th february
Its sad, but I think You and Strawberry, and a few other people, would believe thats the truth.
2:38am thursday, 15th february
Myself included.
4:48am thursday, 15th february
Believe in yourself.No matter what happens.
4:58am thursday, 15th february
There is a reason why dudes fuck children.Or is there.
Yes, we are higher than that. We wouldn't let it happen in the first place.
5:06am thursday, 15th february
What a childish philosophy.
5:14am thursday, 15th february
Your website is gonna be the intrigue of life.Why do you you seek your own ego when the wave of death nocks on your door?Its time to choose sides.Everyone is born with this gift.I don't want to fuck boys in the ass so I chose not to.I feel the childish reasonig of good and evil are not my source.Why would I want to fuck a young child in his ass?
5:16am thursday, 15th february
Me, Strawbery, and Stand.I had to speak for you too.
5:19am thursday, 15th february
I know the power of black magic, because I've felt its source power.To be honest if all you sorcerer wannabees ever felt the true evil, you would be in a nut house for the rest of your life.The true evil has nothing to do with your mickey mouse reflections of what it should be.
5:28am thursday, 15th february
Yeah I posted that last statement.I ;lived with a (Lets say) a magic person, for almost ayear.I was 24 or so.To be honest, he was cool.Stand, being a person that grew up a few streets from MainStreet Daytona Beach, I always look after myself, because I've learned to trust myself, because when the dice are cast, it was for their enjoyment.
5:29am thursday, 15th february
There really are higher Gods(?).Trust yourself.
2:20pm thursday, 15th february
I love my material things. I guess that is a major flaw. I'm a collector. Right now I'm into collecting DVD's of old movies.
You are right Stand about treasure being where your heart is. My heart isn't as big as I wish it were. But it has been worse. I trust that as I get older I get better, life turns me into a better person, not a worse one. I trust that.
You make me wish I went to church Stand.
5:35am friday, 16th february
Watch subject. Bush is forever saying that democracies do not invade other countries and start wars. Well, he did just that. He invaded Iraq, started a war, and killed people. What do you think? Is killing thousands of innocent civilians okay when you are doing a little government makeover?
Our country is in debt until forever, we don't have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
The more people that the government puts in jails, the safer we are told to think we are. The real terrorists are wherever they are, but they aren't living in a country with bars on the windows. We are.
1:40am saturday, 24th february
Hello! Author, it's true!
And really nice blog, interesting site name www.h13.com :), I see you you're are not newbe. Go on with the good job!