How time can seem endless for an hour and then we wonder where the hour went. This is the condition of man: full of sound and paradox, lost in himself, lost to the time that flows over and through him. We shelter our hearts like they were precious candle flames, then casually topple them when the time comes to act upon their light…. Look, up in the sky: a million stars that were never meant to care of how we come and go, but how they can inspire us if we let them. Long after we are gone, they will still shine their constant light: and this is not what is meant for us to be, our constant flickering. In our search to be human, let us not count the hours, for we know not when the clock strikes that we are finished. The endless hour will pass, remember, and remember that we were there for it, not matter how lost we seemed to be to the going.
8:47pm friday, 20th april
I ordered "The truth of Tao" by Alex Anatole today.The money order from the post office totaled $26.66.
9:27pm friday, 20th april
Whats really fucked up is I don't know how to make a small number 2 on the computer keyboard.
10:09pm friday, 20th april
I used to put shit like this together all the time.It happens all the time.I feel I'm more mature than that.Stop the games.
10:54pm friday, 20th april
I never understood why people wanted to become Gods.When you get to a certain level.Its all about silence and bliss.I don't think.I wish more people choose not to try and control people for power reasons.
6:57am saturday, 21st april
26 is one of the numbers representing God, and 66 is the number of books in the protestant bible.
8:24pm saturday, 21st april
No offense.The higher powers don't play with nummmmmmmmmmmmmm