The frailty of my psyche should not cause me any concern. For that which is inside me is girded by an invincible spirit, that flows within me and without me, that lets me know that I am a child of the Most High. I have been privy to the secret, that work is magic (for we take for granted a thing like functionality itself): the mercies have dug me from the pit, and I act even as a fledgling does, these days: at the edge of the nest, ready to take wing. However weak I feel at times, I have the strength of One who does not fail that guides my light. And I must remember that to live is a fearful thing, if one stops and thinks too long on it; better to relish in the experience, the highs and lows, and for all that happens, to know that we have won.
8:48pm saturday, 12th april
This is the last post.FROM ME.You have to understand silence.The higher levels are extremely,extremely serene.The only way you can reach that level is through meditation, or a higher power finds it in them to show you.Meditation has a better odd to odd ratio.