± H13.com - Mete
Mete6:42pm wednesday, 9th july
Perhaps I am mete for all the challenges that face me. Not that I deny it is Christ who saves me, but not to be so desperate and inane. Shall it be so, that I can be one who has overcome his own self? There comes very sparingly in a lifetime: a sense, a small hum within the soul of the sort, “I can do this”. It passes quickly, and the day’s stresses come and go like strong winds; but I have experienced that small epiphany, more priceless than the glow of gold, a high beyond all intoxicants’ effects, even if the sensation is humble, and fleeting. I had been a long time down, and perhaps finally the world is evening out, as I strike out on bold adventures, and I find that I can do what the most daring in me attempts: yes, I can do this. What do you know?

  Reflection9:57pm thursday, 10th july
I'm 35.This is what I've learned.I feel I owe it to you.In life there are people that help you on the path and those who kick you off.This is my last youtube page.My brain is stabilized.I've sorted the demons out.(lol)....http://www.youtube.com/user/highwaychile2

Thanks Stand I owe you one.As well as Strawberry.:)..Peace

  reflection1:48am friday, 11th july
I might have told you too much Stand.I take resposibility for my actions.It is law.To be honest I hate when computers tell me I can't spell.The soul doesn't spell.Get it Good.

  reflection1:49am friday, 11th july
i still like bladerunner.Probably my favorite movie.I think I'm gonna watch it right now.It reminds me of perfection.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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