Does it actually make sense? That if I think of the possibility of a thing, that it exists somehow in the ether, and make such a thing a potential reality? Is there some non-locality of probability? Or is this perhaps to go wherein the madness lies? It is a fact that one of Leibniz or Newton invented calculus, but nearly at the same time, and that Darwin finally published his masterpiece upon reading someone else’s version of “survival of the fittest”, as it were. As if there were something in the atmosphere that certain people looking in the correct (imaginary/abstract) location picked up on. Ideas that for whatever reason, their time had come. Is there such a place in the anima mundi? That once a page is turned in the book where God has written all His best equations, the one who happens to copy it down first is the canonical author, and it is merely a matter of chance who it might be? Whom the angels favor, to tilt his head that certain angle, and glance the light of infinity....
a nameless flower
2:26am thursday, 14th may
Ah,yes,the theory of Unified Consciousness.
I personally believe that if someone is able to tap into the wellspring of unified consciousness,it does not matter who they are,per se.As long as they truly resonate with the thought/idea that they seek to manifest.The door will not care who turns the lock,only that the right key is used.
There are spiritual avatars,geniuses,and philosophers from all walks of life.
Yet,I also feel that one has to get to a point in their life where ego-based actions are not the norm,and they are capable of relating from a wider focus.Perhaps this is part of our human evolution,our lessons to learn.We are not separate from all of consciousness,we just think and feel we are,due to errors in perceptions.
Certainly enough to ponder.Might keep me up for a long while. *smiles*