I think I would not like to write my own epitaph. I think I would rather my tombstone be like a high school yearbook, and that I would have in my will that a large sheet of paper as large as my gravestone should be passed around after my death. I would have everyone I knew write their own message and sign it, and then I would have those little notes engraved in stone. It would make them think of me, all my friends, just for a moment, and my gravestone would be unique in the cemetery. Everyone else would have on their tombstone either what they thought of themselves, or what just one person close to them thought of them, or nothing at all but their names and life spans. Mine, instead, would be a collection of memories — all the hands that I have touched in my life, waving goodbye.
2:38am saturday, 15th december
Memories are what our lives have been for us.Our friends will remember us differently than we remember ourselves.The stories that we have both told over and over have a different meaning to the each of us.Today is the day to seek out friends.Let them know how you feel today;why wait to do it on a grave marker.Share yourself today;tell them that you love them;show them that you love them.Life is to short even if you live a hundred years.What can one man accomplish in a hundred years that will be remembered in a thousand years.Very few of us will accomplish that feat.So have a happy life;share it with as many people as you can.Friends are what makes memories.
2:28am monday, 22nd april
I agree with both of you!
12:33am wednesday, 13th november
That was beautiful
4:26am monday, 3rd february
Can I say that your mind is soo beautiful? What I would give to meet you... you're amAzing. Dont change. ever...