What if we had no inhibitors? Just for thirty seconds, nothing of civilization ingrained in us, just our inner selves to pour out? What would we say? I'm not talking about just being drunk and stupid — I mean being of clear mind, but without inhibition? Who of us would be left, then, standing tall — that he would not be ashamed of whom he revealed himself to be? I think it would not bode well of us if all the good that is there, if it is thereby revealed, that all it be is inhibitions. That nothing else remained of it. Not an active good would that mean, but a thousand conditioned responses masquerading as virtue. I think that perhaps I would have very few friends left after my thirty seconds. What would be left after your thirty seconds?
2:40am monday, 17th december
I read that we are incapable of doing any good without God. So I avoided extending myself. Then I tried to do good for others. I NOW KNOW that it is true, I am incapable of doing any good without Him.
I'm glad he comes with me.
God be with you!
Thank you for this web site.
I have had several of the same experiences you have had although I've never been diagnosed as mentally ill. I really believed it actually was a spiritual battle. I started working at a place that deals with mentally ill patients and read up on schizophrenia. Was I surprised to see that all of the symptons matched what I had been through during the prior year.
I would love to tell you the whole story, but of course, this is your web site not mine.
It took a long time for me to get well but I went to weekly confession, daily Mass, and daily Eucharistic Adoration for quite a while.
One day I was sitting in Church adoring Jesus and I heard God the Father say "LET IT BE CLOSED" and incredible I couldn't hear the demonic world as I had before. As a matter of fact, everything was less intense even the air conditioner background noise was less intense.
I was really upset and started crying because even though so many horrible and ugly, scary things had happened to me I also was talking to Jesus all the time and got a real treat when my Guardian Angel danced with my hand. I was upset when I thought this would no longer occur.
Jesus came and I told him I thought I was being punished for not talking to him in the correct manner and he said "Brother", (in other words I talked to him like a brother).
He asle said I asked for this.
I DID ask for it to end but I was upset because I thought I wouldn't be able to talk to Him anymore and I would miss my Guardian Angel too.
Anyway, when I got home and calmed down I beleive my Guardian Angel handed me a something and I put it to my heart and I heard myself singing in my heart "Lord You are more precious than diamonds, Lord You are more costly than gold".
I don't know if any of this makes sense to you but it is my favorite.
That was in November 2000.
I did this prayer daily also, at three o'clock. THe hour of CHrist death on the cross. If I woke up at 3"00 in the morning I said it then as well. A lot of people wake up at three in the morning but don't know that it is the best time to pray for mercy.
it's on this web site
2:48am monday, 17th december
No half truths;no little white lies;no hidden secrets;could the world handle it.The shame we all must bear would be out in the open.Would our friends still want to be friends after knowing our utter most secrets?Could we live with ourselves if our memory did not forget the past?The past slowly fades into the back of our minds where it can be forgotten.It should be forgotten;the pain we have felt in our lives would always be there if our memory did not fade.A smell;a song ;a book;etc...can bring back memories good ones;bad ones;sad ones;happy ones.Why must we protect our friends from our thoughts?Our thoughts are part of the human excistance.They come and they go.Self control is what makes us human.We can control our feelings and emotions to a certain degree;but our thoughts come and go as they please.We do not have to act upon our thoughts;they will fade away.
9:25am monday, 17th december
Upon reflection about what I wrote earlier...I wanted to be clear that God found me not the other way around.
4:44pm thursday, 20th december
I think its great or whatever that you think you have found gawd, but what has he really done for you lately? you know, he is said to be the one who cares the most for us and the one who will do anything for us. well he hasnt done jack shit for me. and i doubt hes done anything to you. he gave you a mental disease, didnt he? so is that how gawd shows his love? by hurting us? i dont see that as being a loving and caring gawd. i dont mean this to be harsh or to look down upon your faith, i just dont understand. if gawd is supposed to love us and care for us then why is bad stuff hapening all of the time? how can he say that he is our protector and then not protect us from harmful things. i see him as a dishonest being. i would say more but i have to go now. this is just my opinion.
11:30pm thursday, 20th december
Aurora, there are two ways to look at the situation: either you think that God gave me the mental illness or that He saved me from it. I guess it's similar to glass half empty or half full. But it's not just that — I didn't just wake up and for no reason I thought there was a God. I have had personal experiences to believe so. For instance, most of my prayers get answered. I mean most of them, and that's pretty strong reason to believe, right there. Also, when I got God in my life, my life started to turn around. I went from a down and out incompetent to a solid guy who you could depend on. I hope you will feel differently about God later on in your life. Peace.
6:01am wednesday, 26th december
That's just intense. What I would give to see my dad again, who I believe was taken away by god (besides the fact that I don't even believe in god). I agree with Aurora. Too many bad things have happened to me and I'm only 13. Wish I could see things your way, man.
6:03am wednesday, 26th december
Nothing would be left after my thirty seconds. Nothing. I think I'm going to call my best friend and fess up. Bout everything. "I have lied to you too many times, I don't know how you can trust me..."
4:31am wednesday, 2nd january
To both Aurora and Mejink, I have to agree with you that I'm not sure wether there is a god or not, but there has to be something. What was there before the big bang? I would feel horrible to know that after I die there's going to be nothing, no heaven, no reincarnation, just emptiness that you wouldn't feel at all.
6:24am wednesday, 2nd january
Parkay: actually, technically speaking, there would have been no "before" the big bang, as the big bang would have included time itself coming into being. I dunno. I don't thing there is any grand all-purpose reason for believing in God. Try this test: pray for something, something sincere (not like winning the lottery or something outlandish like that, something close to your heart). See if your prayer gets answered (perhaps in an unexpected way).
4:14am friday, 31st december
Would depend on if they were free of their inhibitions/insecurities as well. If that were the case, the reaction would be positive since the desire to connect/the connection would be all that mattered. Our judgments of the reactionary elements of others, born out of the incongruities one finds oneself in due to mismatches of environment (society) and perception (ego), matter little when the brief ember of our humanity is revealed between ourselves and another.
That being said, if they are insecure/not stripped of inhibition their reaction could be varied. Do they tiredly accept the fact that they have to don an ego to function in the world and inasmuch accept the judgment of others as the occupational hazard of life? Are they fearful of the judgment of others due to their own insecurity, and, needing your judgment, feel great pain at 'truisms' deemed hurtful by societal standards?
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Or Chuck Palahniuk for that matter?