In the past, I have seen a very sanitized version of Hell. Just enough hopelessness to let you know that you weren’t aboveground. It was in a dream, and it was almost in terms of a video game. There was a path to follow, and things were around me like game pieces, objects of various polyhedral design, posted into squares that fit in the 3-D game board. But as I followed the floor tiles, I came upon a dead end, then to discover upon looking back that every path I followed here was a dead end. This was the essence of Hell: where there is no hope anymore. And thereupon I awoke, realizing what that must have been, the meaning of the vision... Or perhaps this was not the actual place at all, that what I was viewing was merely the proximity where the reality began to twist in the forms of the damned. Like a gravity around the nether world... Or perhaps it was just a dream, as meaningless, and as meaningful, as any other.
12:28am friday, 13th november
Oh, and Happy Friday the 13th!
8:15pm sunday, 15th november
They can make plastic arms and legs, but no one can stop the war.......Military intelligence.....