When I was seven years old, I made a vow one night, while lying in my bed, that I would never forget what it was like to be a child. It stayed with me, as I grew up, there in the back of my mind. Sometimes nowhere near the front of the consciousness, I never forgot that vow. A few years ago, I thought about it, and I thought maybe I had broken that promise to myself, that unlike Peter Pan, I grew up, and forgot the ways of a child. It was alright, I told myself, that children often don’t know the consequences of a thought or action, and that I understood more now, with several decades of living under my belt. But just recently I thought about it again, as I was thinking how good I am with children. And I thought, maybe that’s telling me something: that I am still in tune with that song. That I never did break that vow, and still hearken to the days of innocence. And I should remember that when I have kids of my own: not every time, but when one of them says something is forever, you might want to consider that it is true.
3:54pm monday, 12th july
Love this post Stand. I too had a moment like yours.
When I was about 7, maybe younger, I was sitting on the back steps of my home. My mom had made me and my brother and sister frozen lemonade popsicles. You take any juice and pour it into a mold, topped with a plastic stick going through it and an end piece. It saves money from buying store brands.
Well I was sitting in the sunshine, all alone, my favorite flavor of popsicle in my hand, and I thought to myself "I am very happy". And I promised myself that whenever I was sad I would bring myself back to that moment and remember my happiness.
As I write this I can see the trees of my back yard and the stones of the terrace at the bottom of the steps. I can feel the warm sunshine on my skin. And I can remember feeling settled and complete and the everything was right with the world.
So it is true, little children make themselves promises and they keep them forever.