there are zero matadors
dancing on zero tables
fighting zero ferocious bulls
zero bloodthirsty spectators
carried by zero flying carpets
yelling zero metaphysical truths
and the zero of the countdown
makes much of such nothings
as zero approaches in secret
the flip of a dread switch
when everything happens
and the crowd goes wild
at the slaying of the bulls
while the matadors dance
while we fly into oblivion
2:14pm saturday, 5th november
I saw a movie called 11 11 11 the other day. Its about occurrences of numbers. Perfect for you..Ha,ha,ha.......What is your haunting number?....Mine used to be 311...I saw it everywhere.
7:25pm saturday, 5th november
What else? 666. Or 616 (alternate).
2:05pm sunday, 6th november
616 - the fax number of the Beast
668 - the Neighbor of the Beast
25.8069758 - Square root of the Beast
£665.99 - the retail price of the Beast