Spend your time cleaning your mind from its social conditioning and stay away from things that disrupt your mind and souls serenity....Live on a different frequency and attune your spirit to a higher dimension so you can progress further along the spiritual path. Here's a video to continue your quest for spiritual liberation. Do not get caught in the false idea that you can act like a idiot and still get to heaven because you wear a cross. A peaceful spirit and a spirit of confusion can not exist on the same plane.
My own quote..........Contemplated and thourghouly examined..LOL........It is a narcissistic saying, and in acknowledging that it is, makes it legit...........
The problem is as with all religions..My God is better than yours or I am better than you...........Let go of all rivalry and sink into pure silence. Where all is at ease, and there is no revenge. Who created these emotions?.............Whoever did has been conquered.........Only in utmost humility can you reach spiritual liberation....................and no God,Jesus,Buddha............Whatever...........can take that from you.............
That is my quote..............It is the truth
2:23am tuesday, 27th december
My name is Chief bell bottom roach clip acid drop frozen sugar cubes from the 3rd patriarch of the Zulu tribe east of the Andes to the sun temple on the rogue cliff of Patagonia.........
8:08pm wednesday, 28th december
Best underground song..Only 100 views..and downloaded in 2009......Get hip!
I've come to the conclusion Stand, that the madness has made me wiser than if I had not ever had the madness at all. I have been without meds for about 4 months now, and I very respectively say I think I may have conquered it.....Meditation and letting go, and words of old sages were my help........Whats your opinion?
8:19pm wednesday, 28th december
and that old saying "Resist evil, and it will flee from you." is so true......