sunset here when gloomy i wondered
salvation and could i stop there but for the grace of god goeth(e?) me tarzan where jane? plop plop fizz fizz— i’m
melting! (what a world what a world)— do i spy punctuation? how did that happen
(underscores don’t count but apostrophes and parentheses do) (couldn’t help that oops oops) oops e daisy to the rescue my kittycat mr daisy chain yourself to the tree of life you know is a pinball game and reality is a comic book that s way too long so i think i ll skip to the end thank you santa claus didn t know you were dead all this time i believed you but you re a fraud just like everything else except love of course which no one understands that i know she’s out there for me (yeah i saw the apostrophe too) beyond
charity beyond hope beyond epiphany beyond cool yeah an opal blue deeper than the sea whose eyes pyre beyond flame whose
toenails i am not worthy to clip who moves like poetry pure true
love... i
What do you think?
8:45am tuesday, 25th september
Hark. Cometh(e?) the Voice of princess tobacco, Mary Jingo and the lost larks you spent on your pursuit of truth and beauty's mark. This burning bush is here to remind you: If you have been God, God cannot save you.
The Way works hard, don't confuse it with your shadowpuppets, even the ones you get in the better class of epic film.
Refine your sense of self-indulgence, and if you want a hope of showing the Light around, a shadow of doubt, and while we're at it, 'punctuation'.
Kisses from your Goddess, and this postcard [*] you left for yourself. Remember?
Remember? ... Oh forget it, this'll never make BLOGWATCH.
1:19pm tuesday, 25th september
E.E Cummings would be proud.
4:38am wednesday, 26th september
Ristopher: whatever, man, just trying to exist.
Kim: thank you!
mandy clark
6:30pm monday, 29th october
poetry = madness. i am far from what you might call "insane", but my poetry is almost exactly like this crazy little blurb, and i find it beautiful. it's when it impairs you that it becomes ugly.
4:50pm friday, 7th december
Sounds like something someone would write while under the influence of a hallucinogen/empathogen. Madness, no...altered state, YES.
10:09pm friday, 7th december
Interesting. No, I wasn't on any substance when I wrote this.
3:42am sunday, 30th december
I think it's madness. But if you think abou it, everything has a little bt of madness. I think it's acually preety good wrighting and I write stuff like that all the time out of boredome.
6:15pm thursday, 3rd january
when i kinda reminded me of my own writings....i mean when under the influence... those things flow out...
a man duh
4:31pm thursday, 11th july
its awsome! it sort of sounds like if you were having too man thoughts at once and had to get them all out at once. its pretty cool and does sound kinda crazzy
7:29pm wednesday, 17th july
i stumbled onto your site and i really like it-now i come here almost every day-i really like everything you write
2:16am saturday, 31st august
this is the way i see "things" also in this manner damnit (hellmans begone from thought)... andyescomma ee would be VeryPROUD..i think i thank i did not conquer. et tu brutusk?
4:25pm wednesday, 13th november
i don't think this is crazy, i do it too. it's healthy for someone with problems even though i have no room to speak about madness. to a person who has no feelings or emotions may sound a bit tipsy but no not crazy. i salut you. (sorry for the apoostrophies) (si that how you spell it?)
8:25pm thursday, 30th january
Actually, it reminded me of the way I think. (All people are aware of their associations, right? hmm.) I don't have schizophrenia, but I do often have many thoughts going on at once. I often spend time thinking about stuff that I know I can't find the exact answer to, but I just want to understand things. It's really cool because I can see all of connections you are making. It makes total since, even though it does seem somehow crazy. But maybe that's simply because we've been conditioned to fear our own creativity. I am always making associations in my mind, but that doesn't mean I can't carry on a conversation and stick to one topic. I do have a tendency to diverge though. See? I analyze things too much! haha. Maybe I'm not "normal" either. But as long as it's not interfering with relationships or my health, I guess it's nothing to worry about ...I hope. Maybe I'm also a little spooked now, because my friend was just diagnosed with schizophrenia. And he's told me about the visions and voices and stuff. And I never have those. But if I tried hard enough, I could probably convince myself that I was. Maybe I'm just a hypocondriac. haha. Back to the point. HAHAHA. (obviously I have no problem keeping to the subject...*sarcasm*) Your poem was cool. I love your site. Keep writing.
peter millett
5:25pm wednesday, 7th april
this stuff is not not crazzy. It is not even unusual. I've read and written a good deal of "automatic writting" for lack of a better term. your peice is not crazy, it's also not particularly good. This kind of writing takes practice, sort of like expresionistic painting, or any art form. I hope you continue to do this kind of (what I call) silly writting, because, although it is hardly new or unheard of, not many are even able to do it.