What’s been happening of late is quite strange. It has been ongoing for a couple three months now, not all at once, but with certain events that have been outstanding: my madness is curing itself. As you may or may not know, though I am a fully functional citizen of this world, the cartoons and voices have never completely gone from my mind. But now, it seems to be in a process of healing. Itself. As you also may or may not know, I am pretty religious, and I chat sometimes with angels, demons, Jesus, and saints. One saint was one St. Anthony, a man who battled demons, so someone I looked to for inspiration. He had me pray, “Heal me, O Lord.” And things started to happen. It’s quite the amazing thing, and I don’t quite believe it’s happening, even as it does. That’s about as much detail as I feel like going into right now, but if this process continues to completion, I’ll definitely follow up on this reporting. Strange the things that might occur....
11:51am saturday, 30th june
Be very wary of "who" you listen to. Acknowledging voices can open doors and get you into trouble. I look at it like this in my life. I'm at really good place of peace right now, and if spirit voices need to harass me in any way, then the problem is with them.When God intervenes there is no doubt that it is God. Evil is very very deceptive. Its a game to them. To see if they can break you, and they love trying to break someone who is at peace. Its a challenge, and they are very bored. You say you are feeling pretty good, so you must be doing something right......
Its a radio show called coast to coast am. This episode is pretty cool. Look on youtube and there is tons of coast to coast episodes. Its a radio show about all sorts of cool stuff that doesn't fit with mainstream society. LOL...This stuff will blow your mind. Check em out. There is all sorts of strange stuff out there, and real people talking about it.
12:03pm saturday, 30th june
The guy talking in the program is a debt consultant and a very mature intelligent successful man. Speaking as fluently and intelligently about his experiences is very intriguing...
2:14pm saturday, 30th june
My new quest......To be a master artist within 2 years or less..I'm drawing for 6 months then moving to oil painting. I just started a week ago..Here's my latest drawing...
Yeah, I know about not letting evil spirits in. Basically, refuse entry to any spirit that asks. Good spirits never do, they just do their thing.
9:38pm saturday, 30th june
Yeah.....I'm at a strange place....Its like I'm living in two dimensions at once. I hear voices (spirits) all the time. It use to bother me because I would attach to them and they would cause doubt. I think most of them are demonic or evil in nature. Years of meditating and going deeper into the void has revealed things to me they'll never find. Not even reading my mind. My core silent peaceful inner core. It has revealed although the evil spirits may be very knowledgeable they are not all knowing. And whats this big game of life all about anyway?..To most it is about power and control, but the real deeper understanding is we just are. There is nothing to gain or lose.........
12:03am sunday, 1st july
If you're feeling like that, it might be time to get back on meds.
12:47am sunday, 1st july
No, its really weird..I've felt better mentally and peacefully than ever. Its like I'm in a different consciousness and recognize another different encompassing consciousness. For example.....Say there were two huge Godlike brains that control all human,etc conscious's(or spirits)...I recognize them both very easily.......I know it sounds weird, but anything deep is gonna sound weird..Christ walked on water, but no one says hey, that is fucking insane. Truth is stranger than fiction..I ain't saying my theory should be etched in stone by no means.Who knows how many consciousness's there are?..They're could be ten Godbrains playing against each other..We really are just a speck in the sand.....Ok, I better stop rambling before you call the cops and have me committed...LOL
ps. Seriously, I am doing fine. We are gonna have a beer one day somewhere and share stories..What entertainment!
1:06am sunday, 1st july
I'm taking the easy road..Like Socrates..Maybe I should just stick to gardening..LOL