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found12:26am tuesday, 3rd july
i feel as if the demon has cheated me of my pain
but maybe we can let the memories rest
i breathe in ink, all my speech is in clumsy writing
as tenuous as a string of prophecy
to redeem myself in the dreaming i bring to earth
i stop a moment to gather strength
and leap into nothingness, nowhere, suddenly now

  MichaelV8:10am wednesday, 4th july
Hey Stand, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper "H13" to me the other day and I felt like I should just tell you that Jesus sees you, and He Loves you. Have a happy 4th of July =)

  Stand7:15pm wednesday, 4th july
Thank you, MichaelV, have a happy Independence Day!

  Reflection8:20pm wednesday, 4th july
Latest drawings after two weeks of practice. 68 Mustang and Goddess on the veranda.....Anyone can draw or paint......Its all patience, imagination, and math......

ps. And Stand...When you come into your millions I expect a 68 Mustang cobra GT to be waiting outside my door with a bow......Thanks ahead of time.. :)



  Stand11:32pm wednesday, 4th july
Hey, that mustang looks really good. Have been showing Strawberry?

  Reflection11:41pm wednesday, 4th july
We got into a argument I'm not going to get into awhile back.......both sides were at fault and neither of us are giving into defeat..Ha,ha,ha..lol......Kind of like war.....so I haven't spoke to her in a bit. Showing her my art would probably fuel the fire...........The art of war? lol...sorry the pun.

  Reflection11:51pm wednesday, 4th july
I just had a dream while I was sleeping and someone said "you are imaginable". Then a strange thing happened right after that. And this has happened twice in the last two days. My body felt like a machine that this sort of hologram feeling. And like I was fading in and out for a few seconds..It was trippy..but when you think of the concept of a higher creator....We really are "imaginable". Trippy!

  Reflection11:54pm wednesday, 4th july
Can you imagine taking a couple hits of acid and then smoking some strong weed?..No fucking way..I would never comeback..Who knows were I would end up?..I'm afraid to even hit a joint these days.....

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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