± H13.com - blaze
blaze4:21am wednesday, 11th july
shall we sacrifice all the common hours for ones that blaze?
who would rather a five hour life of ecstatic being than a millennium of sunsets?
someone i know was blasted by the infinite light of God, forever defining all his future seeing
his eyes can go very far away now, drifting from this earth at times
survived of upheavals rippling through the fabric of the world soul
the heroics of any given situation defined as like a bloom of fireworks exploding
the most mysterious thing being change, how it began, one cannot say at all
and too great a speed in any even ordinary thing is enough to kill the most courageous...
infinity cannot be reached, it is an impossible distance to convey
except that one fine evening He should drop in, and say hello

  Reflection2:08pm wednesday, 11th july
Mainstream society is just a revolving mess...Using tv, music, movies, etc to influence the young masses who do not know any better. You are only as smart as your teacher. And the cycle just keeps going on and on and on......Any wise intelligent being basically has to go live in the woods to avoid the nonsense...There is nothing left to say, but flush it all away...What was once a great creation has been ruined....


  Reflection5:35pm thursday, 12th july
Finally to the state of no-thoughts arising......Free..........True freedom..........Simply just quiet serene divine energy..........Nothing to lose, gain, or control...........

  Reflection8:13pm thursday, 12th july
If you are in an argument with existence then you are trying to prove your thought, right and existence is absolutely silent: you can go on imposing your ideas — existence will not refute them, remember. For thousands of years people believed that the earth is flat. The earth never denied it, not even once.

People believed that the sun goes around the earth, and the sun never denied it — -who bothers? Do you bother what mosquitoes go on thinking about you? Nobody bothers whether the mosquitoes think that Jesus is the messiah or not, whether Mohammed is the prophet or not, whether Buddha is really enlightened or not. In the same way existence has no interest in what man thinks.

But a miracle happens, the moment you are silent, the moment you are open, not trying to prove something, not trying to say something to existence but ready to listen, available, existence immediately becomes immensely interested in you. It opens up its heart, it allows you to enter into its mysteries -Osho

  Reflection9:06pm thursday, 12th july
I am using your art..On my blog..On The last blog..........Do not link this....Take out the dashes.......


  Stand12:45am friday, 13th july
I didn't draw that, dude.

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