± H13.com - Currents
Currents12:13am tuesday, 20th november
OK, so it looks like I’m not going to be an instructor. Apparently I lack enthusiasm delivering the content that’s available, and I can see why — it’s Java, and I’m a Lisp guy. Java is old hat. Originally I had thought I was going to develop and teach a course in artificial intelligence, but it mutated unrecognizably, and at various points I was wondering how I might quit from the program. I wondered how if and when I got funding for my AI company, that I was going to take off a week at a time to teach, while being committed fully to heading a startup starting up. And then I did that last presentation, of which I was writing about a little while ago, and my debriefing was that I knew my stuff, but my presentation skills needed work, and to call them if I wanted to try and present after practicing on my own. And I was like, “You’re breaking up with me? Awesome.” So I am now being pulled in 3 directions at once, not 4. It’s all good.

  Reflection1:08pm wednesday, 21st november
Yeah, you tell em. Tell them you're way beyond Java. Tell them you're developing a multi-dimensional language running across multi-dimensional platforms with a server coming directly from the source of all..That'll teach em!...You go Stand!

  Reflection1:12pm wednesday, 21st november
Yeah, and tell them your new language is called......Threshold.........And while your at it, tell them to stop sending Java updates to everyone in the world every five minutes. Can that crap already, would ya!..It's almost 2013 for crying out loud!

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