I have been where the stones
speak in tones too ancient to perceive,
where the wind blows in rhythm
to the stride of the hart, where
time circles back and meets itself
at the end that is the beginning.
I have been where the dream
is yet unfolding, still wondering itself
into being, still becoming the
tomorrow that never will be, still
shaking off the yesterday that never
was. It has no where to it, it was
all here, it was anywhere. I still
remember what the angel said,
what all angels say when you meet
them at the first: “Be not afraid.”
3:37pm monday, 26th november
Is this you Stand?.......You damn Koreans are taking over!......Damn Koreans!
Dude, I know, my parents even talked to me about this. I saw this video and was like, why the heck did THIS get popular? It's almost exactly like all the other K-Pop songs ever produced.
10:31pm monday, 26th november
From "those people who eat weird food" to world domination..Overnight!....Who would of thought? Ha,ha,ha..........
5:12pm wednesday, 28th november
Why do I feel like the world is secretly controlled by wild jungle monkeys in some office building, jumping around, throwing things, and just pushing random buttons on some universal program machine?..Thousands of years of evolution..Maybe even millions, and we get to Gagnam Style?..Really?