± H13.com - Vision
Vision12:37am wednesday, 20th february
One interesting vision I had was of how the elements gain their characteristics. If we understand that elements behave the way they do when encountering other elements or more of the same element because of the structure of their electron “shell”, we understand that emergence to be a fundamental factor to what qualitatively we experience of any substance at all. The factors that are determined by placement of electrons emerge by their bonding to other elements, or the same, and the resultant molecular arrangements make emergent larger scale behavior and experientials of elements and molecular structures. That is how fine tuned the qualities are of that which we call physical reality: the humming of the electrons sing into being all of creation.

  Reflection6:06pm wednesday, 20th february
Just finished this......

  Reflection9:14pm wednesday, 20th february
Why do you think so much Stand?..Does it bother you?.......I use to be like that..I was given many glimpses into the big mystery and my brain just went haywire with all sorts of ideas and ponderings. Trying to piece the puzzle together..It just doesn't work that way....The creator is so far advanced it's ridiculous..To even fathom it's deepest mysteries is futile...The creator is in control..What I do is when I pray I just ask for peace and understanding that I can handle..And that is all.......I had a vision the other night of two ancient beings fighting each other..One put a sword through the others spine, but these beings were so old..I mean like from the beginning of creation old.....They had such a primordial essence that was so beyond words....I mean think about it...Time eternal......That is a very long time...I don't bother trying to piece together something that is so profound anymore....It is just way beyond.....I just stay humble.......

  Stand11:34pm wednesday, 20th february
It's quite simple, Reflection.

The secret is love. Tell everyone.

  Reflection6:44am thursday, 21st february
I see what level..Even the Beatles couldn't work together.....You are still running on the power...........I'll talk to you in a month.

  Stand11:29pm thursday, 21st february
Oops. Deleted a comment by accident.

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