Before the last set of visions I had, I always seemed to come down from the heavenly heights, and all I needed to do to explain things was to say that it was just a trip, just your brain imbalanced of its chemicals, rational explanations. But then there was this last time, and I know from that one, I’m never coming down. For example, I’d always been able before to discern the hallucination from the reality, but they went over the top this last time. On Mac OS X, in the upper right corner is a magnifying glass which, if clicked, accesses Spotlight, to search. I tried that and that didn’t happen. Instead, Dictionary popped up on the screen. And the angels let me know that they were responsible for it. I tried it a bunch of times. Then I bring up a directory listing window and I had it sort by name, and that was the most messed up alphabetical order I’ve ever seen! Yeah, I know what I saw. It made me question just where I was, astral-plane-wise. Or if I was even still alive.
12:38pm sunday, 24th march
I've seen time reversed. I've seen about 30 people's minds being controlled all at once while I watched. My computer taken over kinda like your experience. Many demonic and heavenly experiences. I'd say close to a 100. I want to keep going deeper. I think there is infinite possibilities. I think there are Godlike beings way beyond who don't bother with this childish stuff anymore. I think the God of this earth is very young. I think there are older beings that don't bother with duping young spirits. I mean c'mon. After a billion years wouldn't this get old..LOL.......I just think there is a lot we do not know..A real lot......