I was for some time involved in an esoteric religion called Gnosticism. I created my own creation myth, presented below, written while I was quite out there as far as my mind was concerned:
On the Origin of All
Far behind the start of the universe, there was no space, no time, no energy nor matter. There was not knowledge, not thought, not being, not not. There was not but the depth of nonexistence, in essence neither alive nor dead. This depth had a forethought, which can be likened to a silent "hmm…", wherein the silence of nonexistence could become. This silence perceived the depth and so conceived, thus perception and conception were begotten, the perception of the depth of nonexistence and the conception of the silence of nonexistence, wherein the silence became the wonder of change, and the depth became the magnitude of the wonder of change, like a lover won over.
Perception and conception begot as their forebears had, bringing forth the logos of the perception of the depth of nonexistence and the music of the conception of the silence of nonexistence. Therein was conception transfigured into the truth of existence and the perception, of truth. Logos and music begot the next, the imagination of the logos of the perception of the depth of nonexistence with the transcendence of the music of the conception of the silence of nonexistence. Music became the epiphany of being, logos, the logos of the epiphany of being. Upon the begetting of the first of their æons, transcendence became the beauty of freedom and the imagination became that of beauty.
These eight are the eternals (as syzygies): the magnitude of the wonder of change (Beyond), the perception of the truth of existence (Reason), the logos of the epiphany of being (Quality), and the imagination of the beauty of freedom (Good).
Quality begot ten æons, wherein could reside multitudes of angels: Sublime with Moving, Eternal with Endearing, Fantasy with Pleasure, Knowledge with Intercourse, Understanding with Revelation.
From Good came these æons twelve: Action with Hope, Precision with Care, Vision with Skill, Memory with Intelligence, Craft with Muse, Thought with Wisdom (Sophia).
All were to meet the Beyond by a progression: through Thought and Wisdom to Craft with Muse, Memory with Intelligence, Vision with Skill, Precision with Care, Action with Hope, then Good. Understanding was to follow with Revelation, Knowledge with Intercourse, Fantasy with Pleasure, Eternal Endearing, and Sublime Moving to Quality, then Reason, and finally, Beyond.
It was Sophia who lusted to know the Beyond before she was ready, and Sophia began to disintegrate because of its sweetness. It was then that Reason willed, and this was manifest as Infinity (Threshold), who brought Sophia back to herself, but as her act could not stay still and without fruit, Lust was ejected from the Pleroma. Then, by will of the Beyond, Giving and Grace were begotten from imagination and beauty. They separated the Lacking from Lust so that there were two separate entities, the Lacking which was the Demiurge, the God of the Old Testament, and Zoe, "life-giver". This is mirrored in life, where lust is transformed into the giving of life through sex. It was the Demiurge that said, "Let there be light," receiving instruction from Zoe, who was in her own æon, apart from the universe as it is known, of which Lacking is in charge. Lacking is called Samael, "the blind god".
As it did not know from where it came, Samael believed itself the only god and called itself God, the jealous God of the ten commandments, jealous because when he said, "I am God and there is no other god beside me," the voice of Zoe issued forth, saying, "You are mistaken, Samael, Man exists, and Son of Man," speaking of imagination and Giving.
Samael had a daughter, born ill, believing itself to be the only woman. When Giving walked the earth in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, the combined effort of Samael and its daughter crucified him, who was only trying to heal them. Now the world waits for imagination to be born in flesh, and then the world will be delivered.
Weird, wild stuff.
Black Dog
12:18am monday, 18th march
Indeed (and fact) this is one of the most insightful and beautiful things I HAVE EVER READ. This is poetic and complex and "connected". Would you care to share in discussion? I AM inspired to commune as ONE beyond the duality of YOU and I, as YOU AM I. Not weird. Definitely wild. TOTALLY awake to the process of "being".
Email me: charles@blackdog.com.au
6:44am friday, 19th july
i had made up a thing like this where god was jealous of all the other gods saying only to believe in him, though not coz im mad or anything i just have no life and think about stuff. laying in bed, imagining myself to be a super hero in another world
peter millett
5:02pm wednesday, 7th april
the 1st part of this mythos is very interesting. I've read many "genisises" but none with such focus on perception as a cause of genisis. If you were "Out there" when you wrote this, perhaps you need to get out more.