± H13.com - My Book
My Book12:01am sunday, 21st july
This is what I’m thinking its description will be, on Amazon:

What happens if you’ve been drafted into the War in Heaven? A war between angels? You have no idea what that actually means... Philip K. Dick might have understood what was going on, this sense of the world at large: for one thing, because he was there — and then there is an important dash of Tolkien thrown in (which acts like leaven and makes the whole thing rise up). And there’s a twist: what if you find out that just everything and life makes complete sense? Really? And there’s Joan of Arc, and true love. That’s what this book is about. Plus some ideas about Judas Iscariot (yes, that Judas) in the mix, a pinch of salt indeed. We ask, “Give us this day our daily bread,” but remember, “Man does not live by bread alone.” This book is that bread that is not bread.

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