How much will be forgotten? In the grand scheme of the Great Wheel arcing through the days of creation, I ask not what will be remembered, but what will be lost to oblivion's adamantine eye? In the world, we sit at the dinner table and a crumb falls here, a scrap is tossed away there — these little things we do not consider. I have a vision of the account books of the universe where all those crumbs and scraps are summed, and the total is huge when gathered into one number. And yet, we will never notice the total of this whole, unthinkable number. There are uncountable little things, I think, that will be as if they never were.
Still, another little voice in me says that nothing is wasted. How do I reconcile these two opposing feelings? Is it a matter of causation? The little things we lose — everything is interlinked in some way. The scraps of actions we do not give another thought to, they cause another event, build on another thing, negate a little of a third. They all lead to something that perhaps we will remember. In that is our understanding. We cannot see the Grand Accounts as they should be seen, the infinite interconnections adding and subtracting from one another. In the end, God will see the sum, nod, and think of it no more.
2:20am monday, 14th january
Everything we do effects everyone around us.You may not see it; but it will effect everyone.How many wasted moments have we all let slip through our hands;when we could have done something meaning?Tommorrow starts anouther work week and I will go back to the same old routine.But what happens when work is over;what can I do to make it a better day for myself?During the week most people have jobs they have to do.They get up get dressed;go to work;come home;and then watch tv for a while;then go to bed and get up the next day and start all over.What can We do to make our lives better?We can grab the crumbs of life as they go by us.I have to learn how to do this too;I have always let life pass me by also.We must be selective as we grab;we only want the best that life has to offer.Remember one man'sjunk is anouther man's treasure.Treasure has to be worth something to someone to be concidered treasure.
2:30am monday, 14th january
I feel the same about the every little thing counts, but I don't know weather I am right or wrong?
10:06am saturday, 19th january
I have to agree, there are times when i know without hesitation or doubt that "every little thing counts", but that is so close to the line of wellness vs. unwellness that I am often afraid to explore it. There is safety and comfort in routine for me, but that does not mean that i cannot change the routine, but that i must be careful not to assume that i can "control" too much... i have learned through hard knocks that i cannot. I often wonder though... the theory of quantum mechanics comes to mind... do we change the course of events just by observing them? ya, well... that might be the other side of the line for tonite...