So, my friend, the professional writer who was editing my book, called me the other day while I was on my way to 7-11. He said that he couldn’t in good conscience charge me any money to edit it, because apparently it made him feel uncomfortable to do so, and would not go further than the 8 pages that he already had gone through. He apologized profusely, but I don’t think he quite “got it” as far as what I’m about is concerned. The Lord said that a prophet is not without honor except in his own household, and I think this is one of those circumstances. Myself, I have no regrets in having written what I have written. There’s nothing wrong there, and maybe that’s it: from my past he’s seeing things that a more open mind would see past. That’s the way it goes, I suppose.
5:00pm tuesday, 6th august
I don't see what the problem is Stand?...Writing about how you were the first gunner in the war in heaven and how Joan of Arc is your lost soul mate and Philip K Dick is you reincarnated is pretty sane to me. LOL..Just do a test..Go outside and walk down the street and tell 10 people that and get their reactions......I'm not saying what you aren't saying is true. I'm open to all possibilities, it's just me and you live on the far far fringe of society.....
8:31pm tuesday, 6th august
No, you're totally off: Philip K. Dick is my twin, not my former self. Hehe. And it's all true!
10:03pm tuesday, 6th august
Yesterday I had the radio on. A voice said "Who are you?"..Immediately the song "Iron Man" by black Sabbath came on and the part in the beginning said "I am Iron Man."...Ha,ha.......