± H13.com - Good
Good12:03am friday, 30th august
So what’s been going on with you? Myself, I have put my book up in Amazon for the world to see. I have this feeling that something is going to happen with it, but it hasn’t yet. I’m in no rush. Basically at an equilibrium as far as all forces in my life balancing out. Except no chick, but I’m pretty used to that aspect in lack. Now that the book is done, I have been doing a few things with book promotion, but we get to my weak point there. I’m no salesman. I’m a freakin’ scientist. What do I know about what will turn someone on to the churn of my brain on paper? Whatever. Like I said, I think it might be some little thing that makes it take off. I wonder what it could be. I’m sure things will go crazy at that point, so whatever. Whenever. I’m good.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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