Yeah, going from ultimate intensity of consideration, the AI, I suppose now that I can see writing the book was a ramping down. To this, just ease, I suppose. I mean, I still have a day job, and there are stressors there, but it’s really not a comparison to thinking so hard it is literally painful. I just recently realized this, while twiddling my thumbs thinking that I should be doing something, something meaningful: but this was it, what I should be doing is relaxing, wherever I could. Maybe (probably) something is in the pipeline, and I’ll have to ramp up again; so I should chill as much as I can while I can. Not to think ahead to a future who knows what it will be, not to think too ponderously of the Event a little more than a year now, in the past. Just to be, not needing any other reason to exist, at all.
1:15pm saturday, 29th march
I've been reading your book Stand..Some cool stories in there. Not sure if I understand the Halospace, but I'm getting there..LOL..Maybe I've experienced it before, but have a different name for it....And I've been pondering from a common sense point of view lately. If I were a trillion year old God, I don't think I would be sweating anything by now. Been there done that. I think I'd be in some sort of constant nirvanic sleep and have some lower minions control all the nonsense..LOL