± H13.com - Word Cloud
Word Cloud10:29am monday, 5th may

This is a word cloud of the full text of my book:

Click above to get a larger version.

Now you can say you’ve read every word.

  Reflection12:24am friday, 9th may
Today the spirit voices were annoying me so I said to them."You either have bad or good intentions in life and that's the answer. So stop fucking with me. It's as simple as that.".LOL.......Well all day I was thinking about that. Bad and good intentions........Tonight I went walking and when I got to the intersection by the bridge this hot rod car goes by exactly when I got to the intersection......On the side of it in big letters by the front fender was the words written in cursive. "Bad intentions.".........LOL

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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