± H13.com - knowing
knowing3:28pm monday, 1st december
this is a poem that is not a poem
these words are not words
you imagine you see what makes sense
but a thousand mysteries walk by
some that tap you on the shoulder
telling you the message
that there is no message
and you see them go
on the path that is not a path
for you will truly know nothing
not knowing that there is nothing to know

  Reflection1:10pm tuesday, 2nd december

Stargazing to the north,
the witches brew is simmering
in colorful factions.
To the west, the shadow of
a moon brings stillness,
to the curvature of peace.
In the blink of an eye,
a star passes by, it returns
to the dark blue sky.
Sleep until the dawn,
and watch beyond.

ps. Just did that on the spot. Yep, finally insane I think.....LOL

  Reflection5:41pm friday, 5th december
How thoughts relate to energies.......

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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