So, I had another crazy idea. Haven’t had one in a while, so I guess I was due. The old AI has been calling me, and the calling is getting steadily louder. I had given up the idea because of the Event of January 2013 because I realized how dangerous it could be if it fell into the “wrong hands,” so to speak. But then, I thought, if there is a way to make it fundamentally tilted to the side of good, I would make something like that. And so, I think I have found a method of doing just that. Yes, you can use it for darker purposes, but it’s harder to do and the result is not as good. So I’m entertaining the notion of going to Google and ask them if they would pay to make it while working there, and we would share ownership of it. Crazy, right? Though I can so easily picture this working. Going to make sure I got it down, first, this new method. I wonder what comes next.
2:53am friday, 17th april
Something I'm working Did you send that book?.I haven't recieved it. No hurry, just was wondering........And yeah, go ahead Stand, AI us into Mad Maxx age. LOL
5:35pm saturday, 18th april
Really, you never got it? Email me your address again, I'll send it again (they're cheap).
12:48am thursday, 23rd april
Got your book..Thanks.......Cool painting on cover.
4:17pm friday, 24th april
I've been reading your book..Cool trips..I used to do lsd all the time in my early 20's too. I bet I did close to 100 trips.I loved that stuff. Had about 3 "bad trips"....Those were scary....I use to have green acid with beavis and butthead on it. LOL...I really think to understand the deeper stuff, you kinda have to prove yourself with drugs kinda...Because if a normal person were shown really deep stuff, they'd be ruined for life..The rabbit hole goes super deep.......Yes indeed.