Everything happened because it was logical for those things to happen. Nothing ever happened that was not logical to happen because that was the way that things worked. Aught were taken for granted because of that, enough so that they said that this universe was inevitable, and all you needed really was particles and luck. No one ever wondered if logic itself was inevitable. Far from compelled to happen was it the whole history of things, which at times one could believe as if it all were written way back when, in the tiniest fluctuations of the original particle party, the Big Bang. But as the scientist posit that there might be places where the laws of physics are different, they think not of a place where nothing works at all, yet things still "happen". What might be thought of as the primordial chaos, in more than one mythology. They think not of whence the origin of logic itself, within which cause and effect may have meaning, wherein their equations function. They posit an infinity of universes where everything that can happen, does. They think not of an infinite of universes where nothing works at all in any of them. What are the odds, now, those of the particles and luck variety, when I envision an infinite number of universes where there is nothing but chaos, and this one, where everything works? Tell me why your model is more valid, because methinks you missed something. There is no such thing as luck.