The biggest news in Standland? The Russian model is getting married. The only superhot chixx0r that I ever had had a chance with. Now, history. Found out on Facebook when I woke up Monday. I was like, crud, then, eh. It was not like I was going to marry her anyway. I also am kinda diggin’ on this geek girl who lives in Brooklyn, who unfortunately has a boyfriend. And who could be said to be a little young for me, too. So there it is. In other news, this is the third year that I have been writing, and I mean writing in quantity. A lot, though nowhere near as prolific as Philip K. Dick, of course, his drug being speed and mine Benadryl. I probably have written enough this last year for my third book in three years, but right now they're on a website, for the most part. In still other news, I think I have a model that solves the AI-complete problem of natural language reasoning. Look up AI-complete, it's a fascinating field. And I hope to have some code written by the end of the year. What else? I have started to go to mass again, after a stretch of absence, and my madness seems like it's about to resolve itself. Of course, that's what I thought before the Event happened to me. Wonder what will become of it all? Yeah, nice. Nice. Very nice.