There was a man who had a dream that God took him to Heaven. It was not a near death experience, and there was no light to go into, no tunnel. It was a dream. In a short space, he was taught that there was an infinite possibility in all things, of which there was only one that we could see in what was known in the real world. Also there was a short lesson why you do not take the name of the Lord in vain, for that name was weightier than all the world. And what was God like? Actually, He looked like Jesus. Which made sense to the traveler, because that was the best way to understand Him, as the man on the cross. God was quite gentle. Truly, as God is love. It was not as dazzling as you might imagine, this trip to the Good Place. It was mostly to inform the man of the possibilities, as that which could have the most effect as information carried back down into the world. He only had this to say, the next day: “I have been to Heaven, which is more wonderful than anyone can imagine. Have hope. That is what I learned. Though the beauty in this world is given more sparingly than that above, the great potential of earth, our home, to understand how things can be gives me joy in my bones. Don’t give up. We can change the world, indeed, we are changing the world. For the better. Hope!”