± H13.com - Legend
Legend5:54am thursday, 14th january
In the beginning there was no beginning. There was no end. For all that could have been said to be was the EN SOF: the Endless. This is almost impossible to comprehend. Then, what could be said to be after the En Sof, and before all else (for before and after were not yet things), there was ETERNITY, also called HEAVEN. At its most basic, it was a void filled with light, the great expanse. This, too, had no beginning and no end. And all was perfect, for there were not yet any other things, no material realm where any of the things could be.

It is said that in the beginning of all we have chronicled, God created the heaven and the earth. This was written when there were thought to be three heavens, and God resided in the third, which would be the Eternity. But between when there was not but the En Sof and to the beginning that has been known, there were other happenings, for in the scriptures there is also written that when the foundations of the world were laid down, the “sons of God” rejoiced.


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