We must speak of the LOGOS, who in the beginning was with God, and was God. And this name is our greatest knowledge of the En Sof: GOD. The reason we can comprehend Him at all is because there is the Logos, who has been known too as the Word—but whose structure may be greater than “word” might convey. Scripture continues that without the Logos nothing was created, that all form came into being because of the Logos. And indeed, remarkable were the first creatures to have been created by the Most High.
Our imagination of what is capable by God has been thought to be on the scale of the miracles that came by way of Moses. The 10 Plagues upon Egypt, and the parting of the Red/Reed Sea. We also have an idea of what Satan was capable of by the Book of Job, in which there is included “natural” disasters that Job was struck with, if indirectly. But one must look beyond these, now that we might, now that we have pierced through the curtain of night, there above being a different heaven entirely, where all the universe is before us. This is truly what is the extent of the power of God, and His Logos. And it may be perhaps the true extent of Satan’s power that it is what we have imagined the God of old could do.