The WAR IN HEAVEN began when Lucifer sought to kill the Logos, and replace Christ as the Son of YHVH, the sacred name which means, “HE WHO CAUSES TO BE”. Meaning that, as there is only one God, the Son of God has His same nature, meaning that he is God. But as then Lucifer was Evil, that would have meant that Evil would have been the Logos, the means by which anything anywhere had any function. For this reason, to prevent an eternity of horror, Satan and those third of the angels who had turned were cast from Heaven. MICHAEL and his angels were the responsible agents, though others had their part. But that there was a war at all meant that the wyrds of the dark were within the possibility in the story of the world. And so we have the world we have seen in history, and which we see today.
When God spoke to us, before His Son showed us his revelation of the Father, He spoke necessarily through a veil. But what was that veil of unknowing? It was that Eternity was yet far from its manifestation in the material world, notably, how the War in Heaven would affect the meaning of things as it was being fought. Even when the Son was in the world, Eternity was still far, though he alone could pierce the veil, to the true nature of the Father. But it now begins to materialize, not the New Jerusalem after the Judgment, but the work the MESSIAH had been foretold to bring about: the Father’s will done on earth as it is in Heaven, as the Age of Gold. As Christ was two days in the earth, doing his work to defeat death, so has the world been two thousand years in shadow (which we have had it described are like two days to God)—a gradual awakening from the Age of Iron. And the machinery of Iron to be dismantled.