I will build a bridge between two hearts, wide enough for dreams to cross, strong enough to span the gulf. Any two hearts will do. The distance between two strangers' hearts puts them in different hemispheres when they are sitting in the same room, sometimes, but I will plan, and build, and I will make a road direct from one to the other. It will be as if they are two parts of the same heart. And when I am done, I will find two more hearts and build another bridge there.
For as long as I live I will build bridges between any two hearts I see. I may not reach all the hearts of the world, but the city of heart bridges I will engineer will be a marvel of construction. People will gasp at the wonder and harmony of souls whose hearts make one heart, who dream one another's dreams. The last one I do will be mine to another one, the one I most hate. And I think that will be the greatest challenge of them all, to forget myself that something larger may be truly complete.
And when I am done, when I die, I will have done something worthy of being alive: that the world did not waste its time in giving me life.
2:59am sunday, 10th march
Two hearts that belong together sometimes end up broken.I have just recently realized that even though you want someone to be your other half that after 12 years they may determine that they are not happy being your other half.It felt like my heart was ripped out;like my soul had died;like the sun quit shining.
It is a mystery to me how someone can change their mind about love after such a long period of time.I blamed myself for not knowing that she was unhappy;but then I realized that she never talked about being unhappy with me;nor did she ask for me to help her overcome her unhappiness.I am not a mindreader;I do not see the future;if I could I would not have spent a third of my life with someone who would have a change of heart after so many years.
I wish her the best and I hope she finds whats she wants in life;but she is bound to get more than she bargained for;but I hope she is happy.
The bridge between us will never be traveled again like it used to be;but I will not let it be torn down.
The sun came out shining everymorning and the wind kept on blowing free.Today is anew day and I have a chance to find more happiness;I can not give up that chance neither should you.
8:29pm thursday, 14th march
That's a nobel thought Stand....but even if you don't succeed in this....you are here for another nobel act.....