I don't know when was the last time I let my thoughts really drift. Drift and not end up being twisted, turn into a voice from a cartoon in my head or a delusion that I am somehow the evil of evils. Drift, and maybe think of a cloud that had a certain shape, or a tune from long ago that I almost forgot. I still do a lot of wrestling with my unconscious. I don't remember what that's like, I don't think, the freedom to let down your guard (mentally speaking) for more than five minutes, without having to do perpetual psychic housekeeping lest the floor of your imagination sprout weirdness after weirdness. I can dream, though.
It's part of that general wondering, I think, wondering how it would be like if I were normal — just normal, that's all. Run of the mill. Your average joe. With a brain that's not scattered through the astral plane. I guess, though, that I should count my blessings — that I'm not constantly drooling or anything. I think maybe some normal people wonder how it would be like to be mad, but not really. Just for an hour, just for a day, and then they want to snap out of it. Usually doesn't work that way, of course. Madness is a serious commitment to the you you never wanted to meet. Day after day.... Yeah, I been there. I done that.
2:44am thursday, 18th april
Just what is normal?How do you know what normal is? For everyone it is different.We all think differently;that is what makes us so unique in our own way.Normal for me may be totaly out of the normal for you.Life has a funny way of bringing the unexpected to you just when you need it the least.The only thing you should do is get up and carry on your normal life the best you can do.