A nice, even keel. Some days, merely to press onward is enough. That I have lasted the day and been alright the whole way through; that work is done for now, and I need concentrate no more today. I think the madness is quiet today — no delusions, no little voices. I remember times when the madness would wake me up in the middle of the night, times when it would not let me sleep at all. No, not today. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." [Hamlet] But sometimes, even thinking about it makes it neither good nor bad. Some things are classified as evoking no strong emotions either way. Some things you put under the heading — not average, but — "normal".
Normal. I guess I should be happy about it, but the nature of the feeling prevents me from being so to any great degree. I had a normal day, I am having a normal day, this will have been a normal day. Not stupendous, not horrendous, not even normal to the extreme, but plain normal. I will take it for what it's worth. It's like getting a dollar and being told to buy a bag of chips. It's like chewing gum. It's like when you buy a new pen. I think that normalcy, too, may only be good in moderation. I think a slew of normal days may become a rut. But this one day — one day of normalcy amid madnesses is special just because there's nothing special about it. Paradox: it's special because it's not. Hm. I won't go into that.
Stu D.
2:57am thursday, 9th may
this is indeed an interesting peek into a wavering set of mental circumstances. can it be that we are all of the same mind? can it be that there is no mind to be the same to, in which the madness that exists amongst us is indeed a state of normalcy in a world forced to approach a balance entropy?
4:45am thursday, 9th may
"...times when the madness would wake me up in the middle of the night..."
I'm not looking forward to nights like those.
6:23am saturday, 18th may
thank you so much for this, it appeared to my perceptual place on God's world at just about the most proper time.
Jesus, God, thank you.
and thanks to you Stand, and oh yes, your website rocks ... like really, sometimes, its like, the words enable healings or at least an aesthetic of joy...thanks and keep on with the good writings, ponderings, musings and the like. ... peace