What is the difference between a vision and a hallucination? Please tell me, I would like to know. Back to Phil Dick, he described reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, it doesn't go away. Sorry, Phil, but madness fits there, too. One schizophrenic said of his hallucinations that to try and disbelieve them was the same thing as to try and disbelieve the person he was talking to.
When you talk to God, that is called prayer. When God talks back, that's psychosis. I guess the difference between a vision and a hallucination is that the vision has basis in reality outside of the mind of the one who has it. Strange things have been happening to me, and on one hand, I want to believe it's visions I've been having; yet, perhaps it's safer to believe they're hallucinations. If it's visions, that puts a lot more responsibility on my shoulders. That means I have to deliver something. What's happening to me?
prophetess x?
2:48am saturday, 16th march
I believe that you may be a prophet! Everything I have read in your journal pages, I have also experienced in different circumstances. Continue to pray and God will continue to speak to you or heal you!
7:43am friday, 26th august
God uses the broken people to do his will, prophetic gifting is definitely real. I got this site by praying and asking God what he wants from me. I got a vision of a pipe embossed with H13 on it and I was looking up the H13 alloy metals and what they mean. What it stands for, because I struggle to hear from him and know exactly what he is telling me.
I then find your site, and I just finished reading your story. I have had a lot of similar experiences with visions and dreams, seeing cartoons even. I have never taken a drug in my life. I try to lead a reborn Christian life, consecrated with Christ and use my spiritual gifts to help bring people to him, if not just a little closer.
I'm not perfect, but God sent me here, would you believe it? I have to be obedient and follow through with the visions and dreams he gives me. Remember, eternal life starts with your relationship with Christ. Death is just a foreshadowing of the destruction of sin.
I would ask God about your visions, I would pray to hear his still voice to give you clarity on their meaning. Remember, the enemy knows the spiritual gifts that God has given you and they try to abuse it, cause confusion and suffering. He would not do that, you have to rebuke the enemy and pray that God gives you a distinct message... If he did would you follow it? Its hard to give up all of yourself and live solely for him, but its worth it.