There is love and there is love and there is love. There are, I think, three kinds of romantic love, the stuff we all think of when we hear that word (it comes in threes like all things good): true love, magic love, and ordinary love (and that which is weaker than ordinary love I think it not love at all). If we start from the top, true love I believe most people have a fairly good idea of — we're talking Romeo and Juliet here, that ilk, and nothing less. I think it would hard press someone to actually pinpoint an instance of it that existed in real life, if it ever happens at all. It is a legend that may just turn out to be a myth, or perhaps the years have jaded me. Have I put it on too much a pedestal? Perhaps, perhaps not: if you say it is as common as to, say, occur every day (at least somewhere in the world), maybe you have the bar set too low?
Magic love: this stuff is good stuff. It is usually so good that some people confuse it with true love. It is just about the best thing that mere mortals such as we can hope for, and though it is maybe not to soar in the stratosphere of true love, it is not settling in the least. I call it "magic" love because that's what it's about — the sensation of true enchantment, the fire in the senses that you're in something supernaturally meant to be — magic, plain and simple.
Now, we are left with ordinary love. To call it ordinary love, I mean not to belittle it, but it is rather that I have high regard for the word "love". I mean that it's still pretty great. Interestingly enough, ordinary love is a special thing when it happens. Once again, like magic love is confused with true love, ordinary love is oft confused with magic love — like I say, special, each of even the "ordinary" stuff. It is perhaps the most mysterious of the three, being special to be ordinary, sometimes that it is settling for less, sometimes not, and perhaps that it is the love to be a stronger thing than a higher love, more enduring. It's love, after all.
And then, and then, and then.... No, I really know nothing of love, like everyone else. It's just a fun thing to write about, like remembering a dream.
9:06am friday, 11th october
Why split it into categories?
Isn't love just love?
5:00pm friday, 11th october
There is love and there is love and there is love...
6:04pm friday, 11th october
There is love.
6:23pm friday, 11th october
Is all love, then, true?
9:17am saturday, 12th october
Ah! That depends on what you mean by "truth."
10:46am saturday, 12th october
I think it is only opinion: I hold that some love is better than others. If therefore I might compare three different loves (as great, greater, and greatest) we have what I write about above. That is all.
12:21pm saturday, 12th october
We just see the world in a diferent way I think- your view of the world is as valid as mine, and obviously it's the only view you've got. Love is not a thing that can be "proved" so I don't see how the discussion can continue. It's interesting though.
6:57pm sunday, 13th october
Really I was curious about your need to categorise love, as if it were some academic, abstract thing that could be summarised by three bullet points. Is this because you are unsure about your feelings for somebody?
Maybe this is too personal a question.
1:26am monday, 14th october
It was just thinking back, to the times when I was in love, that sometimes when I fell for someone it was better than other times I fell. This led me to think, hm, y'know, I think there are some of those times when we are "in love" which are just better than other times. And even sometimes when one could be in love that is better, really, than all other times combined. This is just how I feel about it.
7:31am monday, 14th october
Maybe the times you fell for someone and it wasn't that good were not really love anyway? But who can say? We could get into an endless discussion on the definition of love.Just be careful not to miss out on "real" love when it comes along because you are searching for some ideal of "True Love."