I have been thinking, do I dream too much or not enough? Does dreaming more mean that I do more or less with my life? I believe I would like to get things accomplished (I have a few ideas on what), some things under my belt when the Reaper comes at me at the end, things I can point to and say, "I did that". Things done that would make me feel that I have not completely wasted my time. That there was more to me than the 500 different television sitcom plots that ever were (if there are that many, that is). That for all that I was given by life, that I have had the decency to at least try and give something back to this world.
My madness was not to blame that I have not accomplished more; my youth was spent not even in dreaming, but in a numb of... what was it? Waiting? It is perhaps that those who spend time waiting will find one day they wake up and the thing they were waiting for has passed them by. I think that happened to me, but I never knew what I was waiting for, only that it flew right on by one of those afternoons when I was too busy desensitizing myself to the universe. I don't think that thing will ever return, either.
So, now that I must move on, and desire to get on with it, do I dream more, or less? Hm. Maybe dreams have nothing to do with it. Maybe dreams are just the middlemen that sit between you and The Act, a kind of support system, if you will. Maybe it doesn't take dreams to make it, make something of your life, at all — just guts.
7:50am tuesday, 15th october
Are you talking of sleeping dreams or daydreams or both?
8:19am tuesday, 15th october
From Webster's: dream 4 a : a strongly desired goal or purpose <a dream of becoming president>
11:47am tuesday, 15th october
What are your dreams then? To quote Goethe "Whatever you think you can do or belive you can do, begin it. Action has magic grace and power in it." Dreaming is fine as long as it doesn't block you from taking action. Sometimes you just have to go for it however scary or stupid it seems. I did it,followed a dream, and although it didn't quite lead me to where I thought I would end up it led me to a place of happiness and confidence.
7:54pm tuesday, 15th october
My dreams involve creating artificial intelligence in various forms, and yes, I have started on them. Right now I'm on the simplest form I find interesting, and when I am done that, I will move up the ladder.
7:25am wednesday, 16th october
It sounds interesting, an act of creation. What do you see as the end products of your dream?
5:27pm wednesday, 16th october
Ultimately, a true artificial intelligence, of the kind that are envisioned in science fiction stories.
8:45am thursday, 17th october
In a humanoid form as in AI? Or computer form like The Matrix? Or both? or neither?
6:21pm thursday, 17th october
Computer form, as software.
7:50am friday, 18th october
When do you think computers will be conscious- if ever?
6:44pm friday, 18th october
Not until I make them conscious. Give me twenty years or so. ;-)
6:46am monday, 21st october
Ok, If I'm still alive!
4:22am wednesday, 23rd october
do you take medication
5:27am wednesday, 23rd october
Yes, Zyprexa before bedtime.
2:58pm wednesday, 23rd october
oh, my reason for asking is I have had a simular experience with psychosis, but I do not take meds anymore.
And I am curious why nearly every individual who experiences "madness" talks about or suggests that they are God or an Angel.
5:22pm wednesday, 23rd october
Isn't a side effect of Zyprexa insomnia?
6:30pm wednesday, 23rd october
j, I'm not sure why that is a common theme. But psychoses do seem to be religiously bent, often.
147, no, it actually makes you drowsy. A side effect is that you get munchies.