Dawn. It comes so often we do not recognize it for the great thing it is. I remember back when I would trip on acid that it held special significance — of almost mythic proportions. If I was having a bad trip, dawn would break its spell, invariably. All I had to do was grit my teeth and hang on through the hours of the night, and dawn was going to save me. I ask you, when was the last time you saw the sun rise, in the deep early of the morning? It has been a while for me, I know that much. The resurrection overtones of dawn, morning, awakening from night — there is that. But it is a child's view that I hold dearer: just like monsters cannot penetrate your covers at night, dawn chases all those monsters away. That which is hidden no longer exists; it is a magical transformation of all places from a land of mystery and dark to one of discovery and light.
I think I would like, perhaps, to stay up all night sometime soon. Just for that feeling, if I remember correctly, of the dawn — when the hope you have carried through the secret of the night, that hope is justified by golden light, spilling in through every window.
4:36am sunday, 20th october
Wow, you write very well. Your words are like poetry, bringing my mind back to a time when I too would welcome the dawn as it chased the terror of the night away...
6:44am monday, 21st october
I like this piece a lot.
6:44am saturday, 16th november
the dawn always calmed me down as well and I could sleep finally. the voices would hush as if something in the night guided them and the light scared them away