± H13.com - Keeping On
Keeping On12:24am thursday, 24th october
I imagine that I could do it true: that I could keep the faith, that I could hold on in the tough of things. There are some people who wish for martyrdom, I think, that there were something important that they could give their life for, when they cannot even spare a dollar to a homeless person on the street. Such is hypocrisy, if not pure vanity, for how can you be expected to give something great when you cannot even give something small? And then there is the other side of the coin — not doing anything at all, with the excuse, "What can I do? I am just a man (or woman)." Indeed, if you ask this question and never try, the answer, "Nothing," is the only answer that you have ears to hear.

The key to action is that you need believe in something. Not just believe, but to stake something in that belief. Put yourself behind something. Before you think that you could die for a cause, see if you can live for it. And when you want to quit before trying, remember those things in your past you regret — what you could have done if you had a second chance — and realize that the second chance is right before your eyes.

  Kyle8:39pm friday, 25th october
its hard to believe in something...really hard, because if there IS a god...why do so many suffer, I know its a big plan but I feel like I am not part of the plan :(

  Stand8:54pm friday, 25th october
I imagine when I suffered, I thought it would never end... but it did.

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