± H13.com - Dream of God
Dream of God2:02am saturday, 26th october
If nothing else, God is a dream that won't die. Three quotes:
"It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that he need not exist in order to save us."
 - Peter De Vries

"If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him."
 - Voltaire

"But the God I don't believe in is a good God, a just God, a merciful God. He's not the mean and stupid God you make Him out to be."
 - Joseph Heller, Catch-22
Some people may think that this sort of sentiment, that we need God around, somewhere, even (as in the third quote) when we doubt He is there at all, that this is a failing of ours. I think, instead, that it is part of our design. We are built needing God to complete us, that on some level — at times misunderstood — we long for a certain greater thing, a larger mystery that will somehow save us. Myself, I did not recognize that particular shape hole in my soul until I had made a ruin of my life. There was the whole world to look in for something that would fill that hole, but after searching in vain, I found I needed look only within myself. God was there, waiting for me, looking back.

  Faith4:35am wednesday, 6th november
I appreciate your humility - hungry, honest, humble - 3 ingredients necessary to appreciate our wonderful designer - we are awsomely made, and free will can lead us to appreciate that the "stage" of life has many players and we can choose to seek the finest examples to imitate and learn from.

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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