I am an imaginary thing; I never existed. I never walked the Earth in search of any meaning to it all; I never sat through the night in insomniac angst, not sure of why I suffered at nothing. I am less than a dream, I think, not quite even a ghost — I am a whisper the breeze might speak in a forgotten forest, an afterthought of twilight that no one thinks enough to mention. I travel from no place to no place, and I take a thousand years to get there. I am a sweet nothing that is not so sweet. I once had half a name, but I had to eat it, lest I spend an hour being someone. I am to all you passersby a goodbye without a hello.
You will forget about me when you finish reading this. Then, you might believe what I say.
4:27pm saturday, 2nd november
i'm not real either. someone made me up.
12:45am sunday, 3rd november
if u never existed then how did u write that journal entry?
11:18am sunday, 3rd november
oh! your thought makes me shiver and horrified!!!!
3:21pm sunday, 3rd november
I understand it is like you never saved the world and you wonder why you excist.Your family and friends do not visit that often.But to your credit you keep this journal that many people enjoy and share with you.I am glad I came back for a visit and I will try to visit more often.Thanks.
12:44am monday, 4th november
you think you don't exist in this world but god put you here for some reason why does life seem so difficult for you?
i am not scarred of you
1:01pm monday, 4th november
i know how you feel, i go through life quiet and unheard without making any important differences, i am easily forgotten