Life is hard. That this is so I think I forget, now and then; when one has a run of good days, sequence of time with barely a care in the world, one gets the impression that perhaps it has always been like that, and we were just not aware of it being so for some reason. But no, life is a mess, a concatenation of haphazard guesses at what things should be, a series of misfit hypotheses strung together with random chains of reason. No one knows why this should be instead of the other.... Into this mess we are flung, some with less support than others (though these be guesses, too, the canned wisdom of most others) to weave for ourselves a cat's cradle of rules through which we desire to view the world.
That which we know — these things are not wrong, per se, but they are none of them right, either. I think that we cannot know the meaning of life because in meaning itself we only pretend to make sense. We accept illusions as reality until there is no reality but the illusion. And nothing stays what it is; the things we believed yesterday hold no sway in the day that is today. In the shifting of illusions, we will misunderstand — for this is the nature of the beast — and misunderstanding costs us dear: none of us are surprised when we say that life is hard. And no one knows why things are this way, for we do not know how this all started, or how we got here — this because we cannot at any time truly know anything.
So, what is left to us against the harshness of the world? The answer will displease some of us; I think ten years ago I would not have accepted it: all we have left is faith. A certain trust that things are as we believe them to be. And perhaps, if we consider this whole thing through, it is all that we ever had, to begin with.
10:12pm tuesday, 12th november
no. life is pretty. life is not hard. life is pretty. you need to make it pretty. besides..sunshine helps.
12:02am wednesday, 13th november
Life is not pretty, but it is hard. It's hard recieving no love, it is hard feeling pain, crying yourself to sleep only to endure nightmares. Life is not pretty, yellow and pink fucking daisies, life is the thorn that gashes your skin. Life is the jagged tooth that unzips your fingertip. Your blood holds your emotions and burns like poison as it drips to the floor. Life IS only an illusion. A coping mechanism humans developed in order to keep themselves from recieving pain. Dull it, like morphine. Sigmund Freud... you need instant gratification, for your senses to be stimulated. Don't cosider the consequences. Pleasure first, punishment later. You should check your fucking superego if you think that life is pretty. Sun may help, but only to shove mortality in your face a few years sooner. Things are not what you belive them to be. Everything you know is a lie. Save yourself the torture and finish off the job before they get to you, before they get to the picking a probing of your brain. Turn snesory registers off now.
1:27am wednesday, 13th november
I think I'll take the middle road between you two... not that pretty, not that hard.
2:26am thursday, 14th november
Nope. You make it hard. dammit
8:05am thursday, 14th november
Why do you need to generalise? Surely it differs between people... fortune or luck plays a huge part in life (maybe 50%), so i heard today on the radio. Can't those whose life is easy have compassion for those who suffer, or is that too much to ask?