± H13.com - Dreamers...
Dreamers...12:01am friday, 15th november
Dream with me. We go to where the sky meets the earth, at the end of the horizon. Past the reach of any rainbow, there flows an ether out of time, where beginning does not begin and ending does not end. Let me take you to where the geometries of all moments are intertwined, out in the architecture of the grand wheel of fate. We may even touch the lips of eternity, just before the exhale of forever. No boundaries: neither the gates of Heaven nor the gates of Hell can keep us from seeking the know of true life. Dream with me. I think we will never understand the meaning of our meanings without there should be the dream, where we may glance into the world from another place.

  x10:22am friday, 15th november
ok i'm there, what are we going to do?

  Stand6:40pm friday, 15th november
I think there was a book Steve Jobs wrote which I will quote: The Journey Is the Reward.

  x11:30am saturday, 16th november
Ok, but now I've expended all this mental and spirtual energy on reaching the place I want to do something. So I send you healing.

  Stand11:34am saturday, 16th november
Much appreciated!

  blondie8:41pm tuesday, 18th february
this seems a little weird for me. I like the depth but it is kinda twisted. do you or don;t you believe in god? I am just alittle lost! Thankz!

  Stand9:13pm tuesday, 18th february
Yes, I do believe in God.

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