I found some more madness on an old hard drive (from an old Mac IIci). A lot of it makes very, very little sense. Here's some of it:
"all definitions are calm’s to choose, eiao.
the following apply eiao everywhere, equilateral triangle everywhere.
def. not: zeroing of.
i, calm have the right to say what is and what is not.
illusion is not. hurt is not. discomfort is not. annoyance is not. irritation is not.
all those fallen own all in ALL.
calm (unbelievable sweetness) is father to all in ALL.
please do not cause any discomfort.
everyone owns his/her/its own light.
there are no things; there are only ones.
the true name of the beast was association.
the beast hath forsaken the advocate, calm.
there is no beast."
Man. A lot of this old stuff touches on some tender areas. I'll let you in on this stuff in time. Patience, patience.
5:17pm thursday, 18th april
a lot of this makes sense to me
or its familiar, don't kno which. maybe i'm making it mean what i want it to which i do a lot, but with this one its easy
3:04pm thursday, 30th january
each person has a light within. This is sometime referred to as the light of life. This light only goes out when you die. however it can be changed (brightened, darken, clouded). you can most easily see this light through a persons eyes. Depending on you how good your mental sight - you can also see it around the body.
9:43am wednesday, 14th september
Not everything needs to be explained, some are just felt am experienced. More things defy logic than reason can conceive.