I think life is not a dream —
that the world is not illusion,
after all. I think these things
really happened: that I have
done the things I have done,
that I have seen the things
before my eyes, that I have
felt the love of those who
loved me. And I think pain
(which will not follow me
into eternity), if that be the
cost for life — my suffering for
the days I have lived — let me
comprehend that if I suffered
much, I have lived the more.
There are many things realer
than pain. If it comes to it, let
me summon the courage to
believe it true of my being:
if the account books of the
world were erased of the
total I had paid, I would suffer
the whole cost over for not
one more day of living, of life.
5:30am friday, 22nd november
id rather be far away and live the lies and (dis)illusionments... i'm in too much pain to want the truth; want the real.
tragedy chick
1:19am friday, 29th november
TO the person who can write such amazing words i must give congratulations, for you have a beautiful mind.anyone who may have ever called you crazy may have uttered a lie. many of your entries have inspired me to go on.if you would do me the honor of e-mailing me, i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you