± H13.com - Dreams, Revisited
Dreams, Revisited12:02am friday, 20th december
My dreams fill me at once with horror and hope, with tragedy and faith, and I cannot tell which is the strongest of these.

My dreams cast a shadow longer than the world; my dreams are thinner, too, than a shadow's thickness.

My dreams sometimes dream me, rather than I them, as if something within me can guide me better than my own intention.

My dreams vanish before I can collect enough evidence that they actually were what they were.

My dreams are an ether within which I float, no matter how much the world has weighed me down in my waking life.

My dreams I cannot tell where they come from, but I imagine that it is the same place from where light is born.

My dreams have eyes as deep as love, the color of forever.

  Kyle4:56am friday, 20th december
I am never in control of my dreams...they DO dream me, all the time.


  apt honest4:04pm friday, 20th december
If there is anything so wondrous about
the dreams our brains create, it is the
experiences we can share of having been
in the temporary psychological otherworldliness where symbols and sensations can seem more real than the reality that feeds them.
Personally, i prefer the dreams that are as liberated as an artist's work, or as boundless as children playing in safety and abundance
Thank God for dreaming and also, glad people are still writing with awesome thoughts on your site, Stand.

  me?!5:36pm tuesday, 11th february
Out of all your work, Stand,this is by far the best one.Yet..
Ive found my favorite poem..oh,the potential you hold,wish youll some day publish a book..

emotion: smiley biggrin grin cool tongue embarassment mad rolleyes frown
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