Destiny, I think, has plans for us all. The thing is, I don't think it is for all of us to fork lightning, so to speak. Sometimes, destiny (like God) is in the little things. Sometimes destiny is the normal course of events in a life of ordinary things, of small dreams that can't help but come true. And I think the heroes of Heaven are not like those whom we praise on earth; I believe that there shall be many that will be honored in those halls whom we gave not a second glance to in life. Thus, destiny will work quietly — mysteriously — for some of us, not revealing that some of these ordinary things we do reverberate in eternity, to be shown only when we come to final rest. Then, glory will come for some of us for our part in simple kindnesses, tiny miracles.
3:12pm saturday, 21st december
It's actually a miracle just being here at all. If we can love ourselves and others, if we have hearts full of happiness and joy then we have fulfilled our destiny. This may sound esy to some people but most of us know how hard it can sometimes be. We have to keep trying though.